Action Station Reflection

This week we focused on the Learner Dispositions of Connect and Collaborate during our Action Stations for Maths and Reading in Room 20 and 21. 
This shows our value of Community.

Reflection Questions:
How do I learn from someone else?
How has someone learnt from me?

Keisha: Greer from learnt from me how to take turns when she was in the cafe. She let other people have a go and then had a turn.

Lucas: I have been learning from myself playing a basic fact game properly. I have been learning from Myles not cheating.

Anaru: I learnt off Caleb when I am doing my basic fact game and i don't know what a plus is and then he helps me to work it out.

Katie: I have learnt from Greer to share and be kind.

Sasha:  I wokred with Madi adn Madi is teaching me new stuff. 

Robert D: I asked for help when I was stuck.

Myles:  I watched other people do menus.

Yojwan:  I worked together with Campbell.

Zubia:  I learnt form Katie how to share the menus because I wanted a menu and Katie had the most and she said I could have a turn.

Sam: I learnt from Christina that we have to take turns.

Ahron: I asked a buddy to play a basic fact game with me.

Max: If you don't know how to play a basic fact game you could ask a buddy.

Sophie: I learnt from Sophie Agnew how to be a good waitress and take turns with other people.

Madison: I have learnt from my best friend Carlos that when I play games with me we actually have to do it properly and work together as a team.

Caleb: I have learnt off Anaru because when I do my probe I can learn off him because he thinks about the number that comes before or after and I try to do it too.

Mela: I have learnt from Te Paea that we can take turns or we could do it at the same time.

Datsyn: When I was at the play dough I was working with someone.

Greer: I have learnt from Keisha how to take care of school property because if we don't we might break something and it might below to someone else.

The Junior Choir Performs at the Kākano Team Assembly

An enthusiastic group of Year 1-3 children entertained us today at the team assembly. What a treat it was to see the shining, proud faces of the Junior Choir as they performed. 

This video only shows half of the choir - the half showing the Room 20 & 21 children.

You can see that Mr McCallum has a large and enthusiastic group of singers to work with.

Kids Can Cook

On Wednesday the Year 2 students took part in a Kids Can Cook programme. Caleb from Room 20 was the sous chef for the day and helped to prepare Apple and Silverbeet Crepes. The children then got to taste test them just like the judges on Master Chef. Just like the judges, they stroked their chins and rubbed their tummies before giving their verdict. Thumbs up if they liked it, sideways if it was OK and thumbs down if they didn't like it.

Kids Can Cook on PhotoPeach

Our Library Time

We have been practising showing our Community value by using inside voices at the library.

Soup Tasting

On Friday Mrs Wood and some lucky children made soup for us all to eat. We had a big chat about our Learner Disposition of Resilience and how we have to give things a try! Lots of children said that they didn't like soup and we talked about how sometimes people make the same food but it tastes really different. Every child in Room 21 showed Excellence of Friday by giving the soup a try. Some had a whole cup and some had a tiny bit on a spoon but they all tried it!

The children showed me on their fingers whether they loved it and gave it a thumbs up, liked it and gave it a sideways thumb or did not like it and gave it a thumbs down.

Have a look at what your child thought!!

Soup Tasting on PhotoPeach

Making something that moves!

On Friday afternoon we practised our Learning Disposition of Resilience when we made pin wheels. This was part of our science - making something that moves. 

The children had to persevere, keep trying and not give up! Thank you to all the parents who came in to help. The children were very proud of their pinwheels.

Be Self Aware

I can use the right voice at the right time.

Using the right voice is important because:

People at the jellybean table are learning and they won’t be able to hear what the teacher is saying. – Sophie M

We need to let other people learn -Matthew

We don’t want to interrupt other people’s learning – Katie

Then the teacher doesn’t have to stop and tell people to be quiet. – Abigail

People can’t learn when it is noisy and they won’t get better at their learning – Sophie A

If our voice is too loud it might disturb the other classes learning – Christina

It is one of our school rules to communicate respectfully – Myles

It shows other people that you care about them – Greer

Sometimes we need to stop talking so we can start thinking. – Miss Corcoran

How our toys move

Today we brought our toys in and explored how they move. 

My toy moves its legs. 

When you push it, it rolls and it transforms. It transforms into a bird.

My ninja turtles can move its legs. I can turn them around. I am turning and twisting.

My toy moves it arms and legs. I push them and they go forwards and backwards. The face turns around.

 My toy walks forward slowly. To make it move I pull my toy's tail or push it's back.

My toy slides its legs forwards to move.

My toys tail spins. It move it legs and arms forwards and backwards. It moves its head and its wings go up and down.

I can flap my toys ears up and down.

My doll moves its arms and legs. I push it back and forwards.

I push my toy and the wheels move. It goes forwards.

I push my car and it goes forwards.

My toys wheels move. The car moves forwards.

When I pull mine and put it down it goes forwards.

I pushed it and it went fast it goes forwards and backwards. I can flip it and turn it around.

So you press the key button and it moves forwards.

We all push our toys.

We pull our toys.

We twist our toys to make them move.

Action Station Reflection

Today the children were asked a question to reflect on about the learning they do during the week at action stations.

How do you know you are learning?

They thought about this, they shared their ideas with a partner and then they shared with the class. Here are some of their ideas:

Max: At the action station - Basic word Bingo -  I am learning my fast words.

Isabella: We do the Must dos and can dos properly.

Sophie Agnew: I know that I am learning when I get on with the job and I know that I am learning when I have done it. 

Noah: By not copying anybody.

Greer: I know I am learning when I go to a must do and I do it and I don't talk to my friends and I do activities away from them. 

Yojwan: The signs on the table tell us if it is a must do or a can do and the right voice to use.

Zubia:When I am not with my friends I don't talk. When I am with my friends I start talking and I don't get my Must dos done and I have payback my learning time.

Sophie M: When I am at the table with alphabet cards I know I am practising my alphabet.

Madison M: When I am the drawing table I would learn how to draw better if I wasn't a very good drawer. 

Myles: We need to do the must dos.

Christina: We first do the must dos then we do the can dos.

Mela: By getting my must dos done then I get on with my can dos.

Anaru: I know when I am learning when I play the basic fact game right.

Caleb: I know when I am doing a  basic fact game you don't just put counters on the game and walk away you have to play the game properly.

Sam: When you do your numbers you don't rush them you have to write them properly.

Keisha: I know that I am learning to write numbers when I have a number card.

Madi W: I know that I am learning by don't my numbers properly.

Lucas M: Doing the basic facts game right and my probe better.

Why do we practise our fast words?

Zoe: To use them in our writing.

Anaru: So we can get them right in writing.

Isabella: So you get better at it when you are at high school.

Sam: When you do your fast words you can spell them correctly in your writing if you do them properly.

Greer: When I do my fast words I get better and better because I am practising them lots and then I know them.

Keisha: If you practise them you can learn new words to put in your writing. 

Sophie: They can help you at home if you are trying to make a card for somebody.

Caleb: If you do them a lot and the teacher asks you to send a card you will just know your fast words to right in.

Christina: We practise our fast words because if we want to write a notice to somebody we can use our fast words. 
James: They help you in your reading.