Today we had a lesson based on how we show our CARE values in the playground.
We discussed these ideas:
Get involved and take turns.
Share and use equipment fairly.
Active Thinking
Agree on game rules and play fairly.
Be a caring friend.
Return gear to appropriate place.
Use appropriate language.
Hands and feet to yourself.
Listen to/ speak to duty teachers with respect.
Try your best.
Play safely.
Miss Corcoran and Miss Lohkemper did a skit for us to show us some of the right and wrong ways to do these things.

They showed us what to do if one of our friends says they do not want to play with us.
They showed us how to play a game by taking turns and sharing.
Miss Corcoran got mad at Miss Lohkemper and said some things that were mean. Luckily they were just pretending!!!
Miss Lohkemper reminded Miss Corcoran of the rules and they played together nicely.
Oh no!! Miss Corcoran and Miss Lohkemper forgot to put their ball away! Luckily we helped remind them how we show respect for our gear by returning things to the right place.
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