Art Breakout Term 3 2015

Art Breakout Term 3 2015 - Art in Room 23

Visual Art – Murals - Kākano and Kauri classes will be working together to create murals inspired by New Zealand culture, which will then be hung around the school.

Last week we begun our Art learning with
Mrs Bergmann.

We started by talking about what Art is and how we need to do some planning, even if it’s only in our head.  A plan helps with things like balance, composition and perspective.  We then discussed pencil sketching and the different elements we can use in our pencil sketches, like line, composition and shape.  We also practiced different lines – light, dark, thick, thin, soft, hard and continuous lines. We did some warm-ups for our pencil drawings and practiced the correct way to hold our pencils, as well as we practicing different lines in our own Art Portfolios.  We also practiced some shapes for our Tapa drawings and our Jandals.

Below are some pictures of us practising line and giving each other feedback and identifying our next steps so we can make our sketches even better. 

Ask your child to show you the different lines that we practiced.

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