Skipping Madness!

Wow, our children love skipping!

Every morning we go outside for fitness and at the moment we are doing skipping as we prepare for our Jump Rope day. 

The excited scrabble for the skipping ropes leads onto children everywhere, trying out new skills, sharing ideas, teaching each other and having a marvellous time.

Our Care Value Focus - Moving around the school

This week the whole school is learning about and practising moving around the school in a way that demonstrates our CARE values.

We all did the same lesson at the same time on Monday morning. We are doing this so that everyone at Oaklands School has heard and talked about the same ideas and so we can all demonstrate the CARE values in the same way.

Move safely
Be aware of others
Active Thinking
Stay in class line/group

Use quiet voices
Hands and feet to yourself
Stay with your teacher
Be a positive role-model

We watched a really fun video to get us thinking about moving together as a team.

Our New Solo Rubric

Last week we introduced a new Solo rubric to the children to further extend their ability to be self aware about their learning.

We have focused on each child's number knowledge goals and the Number Bucket activities and games that they can choose to best help them achieve these goals.
  • Each child has a Numeracy Pathway sheet in their toolkit with completed goals highlighted. 
  • Number Bucket activities are Must Dos and every child needs to do two of these activities each day.

The children choose an unhighlighted goal on their Pathway and then choose an appropriate activity to help them achieve this goal, using a colour-code system.

Ask your child to give you a guided tour.

Beginning our murals

This week we have begun painting our mural. We have been working with our toolkit buddy and collaborating to choose our colours and paint our mural.

We used our templates that we made with Mrs Bergman and made our tapa flower pattern.

With our buddies we created a template of our mural square. We had to decide with our partners on 1 background colour. We then chose 1 colour each or the same colour to do our flowers. 

 We learnt about hot and cold colours and if we chose a cold colour for our background then our flower colours had to be hot colours.